Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{I Will Not Be Moved!}

Neverending Storms vs. Neverending Faith -
To believe during the sunny days (the good days). During & through the storms (the difficult, bad days). Amidst the threatening clouds that hover & loom (impossiblities & hopelessness). And yet ...(still in faith) & (still throughout) any unending storms (a thorn in the flesh, a pain, a chronic condition, etc). Will we still have faith despite what we've just been through yesterday & today...(And even yet)...no matter what may still come tomorrow...One might even call it, super-sized, super-imposed, unwavering, unstoppable, unexplainable, unfaultering, unmovable, unshaken, pure to the core...Neverending Faith! ✝

{A Test Of Faith...}

Sometimes we're not meant to know, whereas other times, an answered prayer or miracle is just on the horizon. In both cases, they are a test of faith. ♥

{Jesus, The Great Physician}

A Lesson In Faith = Completely out of our hands, the doctors hands, but knowing that ultimately & no matter what may come, it's in The Great Physician's Hands. ♥

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{You Set My Heart Free}

Based on Galatians 5:1.
As well as the 2nd passage in Amazing Grace.
And Chris Tomlin's song, My Heart Is Free.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)